Many years ago I started collecting Citadel Miniatures and, like many, was enthralled by the Realm of Chaos articles in White Dwarf. There are many blogs that have covered the (long) history of its development into what would become Slaves to Darkness, the Lost and the Damned and an unreleased third book (I will add links below).
For this post I thought I’d look at an individual model that was released in the 80’s that, for me, was one of my favourite miniatures. Obviously the ‘sign of the horns’ gesture helped with its popularity. Probably more than any other, Corvus Bloodreaper, sculpted by Jes Goodwin, appears to have been unable to be commit to any of the Chaos Gods for very long and probably epitomises the chaotic nature of the path that is outlined in Slaves to Darkness.
Corvus Bloodreaper was a wizard (see below) that was corrupted by the chaos god Slaanesh. The first we come across Corvus is in August 1988 when he appears as a Champion of Slaanesh in the Citadel Miniatures catalogue from that year.
Citadel Miniatures Catalogue
(August 1988)
The miniatures were designed by Jes Goodwin and Bob Naismith. Corvus appears in the bottom set of three in the middle. So Corvus starts out as a Champion of Slaanesh, arch rival to Khorne, however Slaanesh wasn’t the Chaos God for Corvus and in the same month his time with Slaanesh came to an end and he became a Champion of Chaos not following a particular god.
White Dwarf 104
(August 1988)
The following month Corvus had decided the Blood God, his scythe seems appropriate for his new found allegiance.
White Dwarf 105
(September 1988)
He would also make a guest appearance in the Games Workshop Staff section of Fantasy Miniatures publication (covering the Golden Demon Awards earlier that year). It is here we find that the miniature appearing on the Citadel Combat Cards was painted by Darren Matthews.
Fantasy Miniatures
He would continue to follow Khorne appearing in Slaves to Darkness.
Slaves to Darkness
Corvus’s path would take another u-turn at the end of 1988, still sporting the colours of Khorne, he has become a Wizard of Chaos (not sure Khorne would be happy with this given his hatred of Magic) in the Citadel Combat Cards.
Citadel Combat Cards Chaos Set
(yes that’s my terrible 80’s paint job)
As a follower of Khorne the ability to use magic wouldn’t have been a gift so he either started with it (and lost a magic level when declaring allegiance to Khorne) or it was due to a chaos attribute. My gut feeling is he started as a relatively high level wizard.
Slaves to Darkness - Chaos Attribute
He was shown, in internal artwork, in White Dwarf 115 as part of the Combat Card additional rules Charge! (Thanks to Dante)
Corvus Bloodreaper
Pete Knifton
White Dwarf 115
With the great disfavour of Khorne, Corvus stays on the magical path for quite some time appearing next in 1989 in Advanced Heroquest as a Chaos Sorcerer.
However the seductive nature of Slaanesh was to entice Corvus back and in the winter of 1990 he was back as a Champion of Slaanesh. Evidently the magic was acceptable to Slaanesh and there would be no going back to Khorne.
Winter Trade Catalogue
As Corvus is fickle he decided that yet again Slaanesh was not for him and decided to become a Champion of Nurgle in 1990 with the release of The Lost and the Damned. Carrying a scythe, a symbol of death, evidently impressed Nurgle.
Yet again Corvus’s fate was to shift. This time being demoted to a Chaos Warrior in the 1991 Red Catalogue.
The final appearance (that I have found to date) is in 1992 where Corvus is still part of the mass ranks of Chaos Warriors and hasn’t regained his former power.
White Dwarf 150
(June 1992)
He was last seen, again following Nurgle and leading a unit of beastmen for Lord Skrolk in May 1997. Based on reports, Festamus the Septile as he was known then, fell in battle against an army of Lizardmen.
White Dwarf 209
(May 1997)
Perhaps he should have followed Tzeentch, particularly given his magical ability, he may have become a daemon prince. I suppose at least he hasn’t become a chaos spawn the fate of many a chaos follower.
So that’s the story of Corvus Bloodreaper chaos warrior, champion, sorcerer and wizard follower of Slaanesh, Khorne, and Nurgle.
If I have missed a publication where he appeared feel free to drop me a message. Thanks to Stephen Lewis for pointing out that he appeared in WD209.
So what’s the story behind his two brothers….well possibly more to follow.
For more information on the Realm of Chaos check out the following blogs:
Unreleased RoC third book:
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Labels: Chaos, Citadel Combat Cards, Slaves to Darkness, The Lost and the Damned, White Dwarf